Glitne® Whole Halibut

Whole halibut from Glitne is harvested locally from water with a temperature of 9 °C. All handling of the fish is done by hand and with care.

Ideal conditions, minimal stress, and gentle handling throughout the production and during harvest at our farms, is crucial to attain superior quality. After harvest, the whole halibut is immediately cooled in ice slurry and transported to a modern packing station, where it is gutted and packed in boxes with plenty of ice and shipped directly to the customers. During cold storage of whole halibut, the flesh matures in a way that enhances the flavour and taste. Leave the skin intact until just before cooking. A whole halibut is best enjoyed after 4-5 days until 17 days after harvest.


Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

Nutritional content

Per 100 g halibut, raw (edible part)

Energy content: 660 kJ or 158 kcal


Protein: 16.2 g

Fat: 10.4 g

Saturated fatty acids: 1.2 g

Trans-unsaturated fatty acids: 0 g

Monounsaturated fatty acids: 5.3 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.7 g

– of which omega-3 constitutes 1.8 g

Cholesterol: 49 mg

Carbohydrates, total: 0 g


Vitamin A: 0 µg

Vitamin D: 18 µg

Riboflavin: 0.06 mg

Folate: 9 µg

Vitamin B12: 1 µg


Iron: 0.2 mg

Selenium: 40 µg

Source: Norwegian Food Composition Table 2006 and the Norwegian Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES)